Bioshock 2
BioShock 2 is a first-person shooter video game developed by 2K Marin and Irrational Games for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 video game consoles, and the Windows operating system.It is the sequel to the critically acclaimed 2007 video game BioShock. The game was released world-wide on February 9, 2010.
The game is set in fictional dystopian city Rapture, in a steampunk alternative history 1968, eight years after the events of BioShock. The protagonist and player-controlled character is a Big Daddy, a being that has had its organs and skin grafted into an atmospheric diving suit. Among the first of its kind, the player-controlled Big Daddy reactivates with no recollection of the past decade's events, and scours the city in an attempt to relocate the Little Sister that he was paired with. When it becomes obvious that Rapture's leader Sofia Lamb will become responsible for the city's destruction, the Big Daddy attempts to overthrow Lamb and her army of Big Sisters.
BioShock 2 is presented as a first person shooter, with the player taking on the role of "Subject Delta", a prototype for the Big Daddies some ten years after the events of the first game. As with BioShock, the player explores Rapture and fighting off Splicers, the remaining psychotic human population of the city, using a combination of the environment, weapons, Plasmids and Tonics. Plasmids and Tonics are special genetic-reencoding liquids that grant the user active or passive abilities, respectively, and include both those introduced in BioShock and new ones for this game. For example, Plasmids can give the player the ability to use telekinesis or evoke fire, while Tonics can improve the player's movement speed, attack damage, or damage resistance. Most of the weapons in BioShock 2 are those that were previously seen carried by Big Daddies from the first game, including a powerful drill and a rivet gun. The weapons feature multiple ammunition types that can be used in specific situations (such as anti-personnel rounds for a machine gun) or to set traps for the Splicers. The player can use each weapon in a close-range melee attack. Unlike the first game, the player is able to equip both one weapon and one Plasmid at the same time, which they can use in quick succession to destroy foes; for example, by first freezing a foe, they can be shattered into pieces using a spear gun. If the player is killed, they are revived in the nearest "Vita-Chamber".
As the player explores Rapture, they will collect ammo, health and EVE (a liquid used to power Plasmid use) recovery items, and money. Money can be used to purchase more items at vending machines across the city. The player will also encounter security systems which can be hacked through a mini-game. This requires the player to stop a quickly-moving needle one or more times in the correctly-colored marked area of a gauge. Stopping it within the blue area (this only needs to be done once per hack) may grant a bonus to the hacking attempt, landing in the white area shocks the player (dealing a small amount of damage) while landing in red-colored areas can lead to the start of a security alert. The player also gains access to a research camera; in BioShock 2, after taking a picture of an enemy, the player has a short time to do as much damage to that enemy to score a number of points, which are then added towards the research of that enemy type. At various levels of research, the player is then rewarded with new abilities in general or towards that specific type of foe. Certain areas of the game take place entirely underwater, limiting the actions the player can perform.
A Big Sister
As a Big Daddy, the player can attempt to attack other Big Daddies escorting Little Sisters. Should the player succeed, they can then either choose to Harvest the Little Sister, gaining appreciable ADAM to be used for buying new Plasmids and Tonics, or opt to Adopt them. While adopted, the Little Sister will lead the player to corpses where she can extract more ADAM. While she does this, the player must defend her from Splicer attacks. Once the Little Sister has collected enough ADAM, the player can then return her to an escape vent, again allowing the player to choose to Rescue the Little Sister, receiving a modest amount of ADAM but with the possibility of beneficial gifts later, or harvest her for a large ADAM boost. ADAM can then be spent at Gatherers Gardens machines throughout Rapture. Once the player has either Rescued or Harvested each of the Little Sisters on the level, the player will be attacked by a Big Sister. The Big Sister's agility and resourcefulness will task the players with a difficult fight before they can proceed with the game.
BioShock 2 features a story driven multiplayer mode where the player takes on the role of a citizen of Rapture. Set in 1959, just before the events of BioShock, the player chooses to take on the role of a splicer fighting in Rapture's civil war. The player is being sponsored by Plasmid manufacturer, Sinclair Solutions, to test out their weapons, Plasmids, and Tonics in a consumer reward program. As the player progresses through the multiplayer experience, new weapons and Plasmids will be unlocked (provided by Sinclair), in addition to the story of the Rapture civil war being told.
The player can choose between 6 characters to be their in-game avatar. The characters are: a welder named Jacob Norris, a housewife named Barbara Johnson, a football star named Danny Wilkins, a businessman named Buck Raleigh, a pilot named Naledi Atkins, and an Indian mystic named Suresh Sheti. Two additional characters are available only by pre-ordering the game from 12game, GameStop, EB Games or Game: a fisherman named Zigo d'Acosta and an actress named Mlle Blanche de Glace.
Multiplayer comes in 7 different modes, two of which have a single and team based mode.The modes are:
* Survival of the Fittest: A 'free-for-all' mode where each player gets points for killing each of the other players. Whichever player has the most kills or 20 kills at the end of the match wins.
* Civil War: Similar to 'Survival of the Fittest,' but in this mode players are divided into two teams and the team with the most collective kills at the end of the match wins.
* Last Splicer Standing: A variation of 'Civil War' in which players do not respawn after being killed. Each match consists of several rounds in which players attempt to outlive the players on the enemy team.
* Capture the Sister: A 'Capture the Flag' style mode where players are divided into two teams. One team has to protect a Little Sister while the other team tries to steal her and place her in a vent on the other side of the map. The team protecting the little sister will have a randomly chosen player be a Big Daddy. After a pre-determined amount of time, the teams switch roles. Whichever team has the most captures at the end of the match wins.
* ADAM Grab: In this mode there is one Little Sister on the map and the player must seek her out and maintain possession of her as long as possible. The first person to hold onto the Little Sister for 3 minutes wins.
* Team ADAM Grab: A variant of 'ADAM Grab' where players are divided into two teams. The objective is the same, but victory is determined by a collective score rather than individual scores, and the first team to hold the little sister for 5 minutes wins.
* Turf War: Players are split into two teams and each team must reach pre-determined points on the map to capture that point. The team with the most control points over the longest time wins.
In all modes except 'Capture the Sister' a Big Daddy suit will spawn at a random location in the level. If a player can find the suit, the choice is given to become the Big Daddy, which will give the player greater strength and endurance, but prohibits the use of plasmids and expels any previously held damage bonuses against other players. Once the Big Daddy is defeated, the suit disappears and is moved to another location on the map. In 'Capture the Sister' one member of the defending team is chosen at Random to be the Big Daddy. After the players death, the Big Daddy suit disappears for the rest of the round.
Set in 1968, 8 years after the events in BioShock, Rapture is now under the control of a psychiatrist named Sofia Lamb, whose ideas for human progression are a sharp contrast to the city's deceased founder, Andrew Ryan. While Ryan believed in the genius of the individual, Lamb believes in collective effort and the power of the community. Under Sofia's rule, the first generation of Little Sisters have matured into adolescence. The Big Sisters, as they are now known, are highly aggressive and have the ability to use plasmids absorbed from gathering ADAM as a child. Sofia sends them out to coastlines across the Atlantic, kidnapping little girls and turning them into new Little Sisters.
In 1958, the first Big Daddy, Subject Delta, is forced to commit suicide by Sofia Lamb, who informs him that his Little Sister is actually her daughter Eleanor, who watches in horror as Delta shoots himself in the head. Ten years later, Delta is revived by a Vita Chamber and begins to receive psychic messages from Eleanor pleading for help. Delta encounters Dr. Brigid Tenenbaum, who tells him that in order to save Eleanor and stop Lamb, he must travel to where Eleanor is held. If he does not, a fail-safe device designed to trigger if he strays too far from her will activate, killing him. On his journey, Delta is aided by Tenenbaum's new ally Augustus Sinclair. Delta also receives aid from Eleanor, who uses her psychic connection to the new Little Sisters to leave care packages and messages throughout Rapture.
Through the audio logs scattered throughout Rapture, Delta discovers that, Lamb was originally brought to Rapture to help those who were struggling to cope with underwater life. However, Lamb used the therapy sessions as a means to brainwash her patients into joining a cult she called The Family. In response to this new threat, Andrew Ryan asked Sinclair to deal with her. Sinclair used a spy within The Family, Stanley Poole, to get Lamb arrested and exiled from Rapture. Eleanor was then left in the care of Grace Holloway. When Eleanor confronted Poole, who had bankrupted Lamb's property, Dionysus Park, in order to cover up his actions, Stanley panicked and kidnapped her. Eleanor ended up in one of Frank Fontaine's orphanages, which led to her transformation into a Little Sister.
Upon arriving in Fontaine Futuristics, Lamb's plan becomes clear: she plans to use ADAM to transform and enslave her daughter, who can then be controlled using the same conditioning methods used on Jack Ryan. Sinclair's agenda also becomes clear: he plans to take control of Rapture from Lamb and then cannibalize its technology to sell to the surface.
After infiltrating Lamb's base of operations, Delta is captured, and his pair-bond with Eleanor is severed. However, Eleanor sends a special plasmid to Delta that allows him to take control of a Little Sister. Depending on Delta's actions throughout Rapture she is either a spirited, rebellious young woman determined to win her freedom or a ruthless cynic who only thinks of her own welfare and survival.
Following Eleanor's instructions, Delta brings her Big Sister armor, allowing her to free Delta and fight by his side. They resolve to make their final escape from Rapture using Sinclair' s escape pod. Lamb, upon seeing her daughter defy her, plans to set off bombs that will kill them all. During their escape, Delta is forced to kill Sinclair, who had been captured by Lamb and transformed into a Big Daddy.
After a final climactic showdown with the remnants of The Family, Eleanor and Delta make it to the escape pod, but a final trap set by Lamb mortally wounds Delta and starts to send them to the bottom of the sea. Trapped in the flooded escape pod with her mother, Eleanor makes the choice to either kill or save Lamb based on the player's actions.
The game can then end in one of four ways:
* The "evil" ending is shown when Eleanor drains Delta's ADAM against his will, causing her to become a murderous monster. This ending is achieved when you harvest at least one Little Sister and kill Grace Holloway, Stanley Poole, and Gil Alexander.
* The "less evil" ending is given after choosing to save yourself, in which Eleanor absorbs Delta's ADAM so he survives and she gets his power. This ending is earned by harvesting and saving at least one Little Sister and killing Grace Holloway, Stanley Poole, or Gil Alexander.
* The "sad" ending is caused by Eleanor not draining Delta's ADAM after he chooses to sacrifice himself. Eleanor talks in a sad tone about herself being alone now that both her mother and her father are gone. It ends with a hopeful tone as Eleanor states that although he is now dead, Delta gave her the "the greatest gift of all, freedom." This ending is earned with the less evil ending after you are given the choice to save or sacrifice yourself.
In the two "evil" endings and "sad" ending, the sky is shown amidst a thunderstorm, with bodies of dead splicers floating in the ocean.
* The "good" ending is set in sunny skies. Eleanor saves her mother and absorbs Delta's ADAM claiming that he is her conscience, thus Delta becomes a part of Eleanor. The scene ends with Eleanor looking down at the ocean with the cured Little Sisters surrounding her. A Little Sister hands Eleanor the Big Daddy doll that Eleanor had made in the image of Delta and Eleanor drops it into the water. This ending is earned when you save at least one Little Sister and spare Grace Holloway, Stanley Poole, and Gil Alexander. However, if the player saves all Little Sisters, and spares Grace then they may kill Gil Alexander and Poole without consequence.
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